Thursday, October 1, 2009


The Word: Tutelage

Part of Speech: Noun

The Source Sentence and Page Number: “I had been taking French since seventh grade, and under the tutelage of my high school teacher, Mr. Polkingharn, affectionately known as Le Polk, I had become quite fluent.” pg 130; Funny in Farsi

Context Clues: C: teacherDefinition: the act of guarding, protecting, or guiding; office or function of a guardian; guardianship.

Your Original Sentence: When I was taking Spanish in high school, my teacher tutelage helped me learn the language better and easier.


The Word: Apathetic

Part of Speech: Adjective

The Source Sentence and Page Number: “I told my father that his “Ship ‘Em Abroad” program didn’t around too democratic to me, that perhaps included in the freedoms in this country is the freedom to be apathetic.” Pg 188; Funny in Farsi

Context Clues: C: to be
(showing some kind of emotion or expression)

Definition: having or showing little or no emotion

Your Original Sentence: I hate telling someone my problems and they have an apathetic expression on their face.


The Word: Staunch

Part of Speech: Adjective

The Source Sentence and Page Number: “In 1980, however, despite my father’s staunch devotion to freedom and fairness, he was still a foreigner with an accent, an accent that after the Iranian Revolution was associated with all things bad.” Pg 119; Funny in Farsi

Context Clues: S: devotion - commitments/loyalty

Definition: firm or steadfast in principle, adherence, loyalty, etc.

Your Original Sentence: From all my ex boyfriend to my boyfriend now, I have always been staunch.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


In my opinion, I think my reading habits aren’t very good. Most people love to read or reading would be one of their hobbies but I’m not one of those people. The only time that I like reading is if the book is interesting or it is something I like reading about. For example, during all my years in high school and all the books I read, the only book that I enjoyed reading was Lord of the Flies. Most of the time when I read is when I am assign to other than that I don’t read very often or if I do read, it usually take me awhile to finish up a book. When I was younger I loved reading. I would always borrow my friend’s book and actually read them. I don’t know why I stop reading as often but since I stop now it is not easy for me to understand a text. I have a hard time understanding the reading if I’m not interested in it. Sometime I would read something but right after I have no idea what I just read about so most of the time I would read the same paragraph over and over until I understand it. The only people that I know that loves to read are my friends. My family doesn’t really like reading either, the only time they would read is when it is interesting. As I was growing up, the only people that encourage me to read was my friends; they would always tell me about a book that is really good and they know that I would like it. That is the reason why most of the time I would read a book; when I hear about the book and when people say it is good. My parents don’t speak English so they don’t know how to read it so as I was growing up they never read to me. They never read me bedtime stories or help me with a word I don’t understand so most of the times when I need help with a word I would go ask my older brother or I would ask my teacher.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The Word : Vacillate

Part of Speech : Verb

The Source Sentence and Page Number : “We vacillate and fluctuate.” Connect pg 153

Context Clues : S: fluctuate (change)

Definition : to sway unsteadily; waver; totter; stagger

Original Sentence : Before I make a decision, I usually vacillate for a while so I won’t make a decision that I would regret in the future.


The Word : Strewn

Part of Speech : Verb

The Source Sentence and Page Number : “To my delight, I found that the lawn had been strewn with miniature Iranian flags.” pg 113

Context Clues : Y: When I read the sentence I just thought it had to do with a lot of flags on the lawn.
(Like maybe flags being everywhere)

Definition : to cover or overspread with something scattered or sprinkled

Original Sentence : After coming home from a weekend at my mom’s house, I found my room strewn with clothes everywhere.


The Word : Angst

Part of Speech : Noun

The Source Sentence and Page Number : “Against this backdrop of teenage angst, there would have to be a symbol, a representation of the confidence that comes with eventual intellectual and spiritual growth.” pg 140

Context Clue : Y: against teenage angst, a symbol of confidence
( something that is the opposite of being confident)

Definition : a feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish
(feeling of worrying, nervousness)

Original Sentence : When my math teacher said the average of the test scores from the class was 70%, I was very angst.